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  • Industrial Electronics Repair
    145 Rockwell Place Ct,
    Tobaccoville, NC 27050

  • 1-(336)-969-0110


    Repair Services for Industrial and Commercial Customers

    Total Comments:6568
    • Powcon - Looking for a powcon 200 sm manual please! Thank you, Dan
    • Hofa Engineering - We have instaled some driver in ours machines and need tecnical support.
    • Perma-Drive - Hello ples info : PMD 230-BL04/4Q/2 and Perma-drive interbus-s
    • Scandialogic - please the manual for the scandialogic sl 750-1
    • Scandialogic - Hello please send me wiring diagram for Stephan SCAND-AC VPM SL750-1 SL7501
    • Hofa Engineering - can you supply a manual for hofa engineering 26-2005.
    • A & B Systems - shinko ac servo drive type 5000 manual and VELCONIC TOEI Driver Series rad300 manual required
    • Robotool - Looking looking for someone that can troubleshoot the control box for the Roto tool we can send PCBoards to them to do bug i
    • American Farmworks - Do you all still carry this board (American Farmworks 01479-92)? I would like one. Thanks, Mark
    • Atlas Copco - Hello Dear Sir / Madam; I have an atlas copco compressor and I dont have manuel so that I want to send ýt to me. Its label
    • Teijin Seiki - Hello, we are having an issue with our vigo servo. We are getting an E101 alarm. We have found out that this alarm means a I
    • Rytec - Model DG1200 Rytec Do you work on these? Can you estimate cost and turn around time? Thanks. You worked on an Atlas
    • Hantarex - have a polo game machine that had pop spilled on circuit board.cleaned and replaced a few capacitors and pix has a real
    • Firetrol - Dear sir , This is Elaine . I send the RFQ for FIRETROL LL-1580 2pcs. I really need it . please give the qu
    • Rittenhouse - Did you locate the 3 coils you were looking for ? I also need one
    • Schumag Schumatronik - We have a 2B shumag machine that is running on the old shumatronik system. We are looking at upgrading to a more modern sy
    • Procond Elettronica - I have a faulty board for the aeg 64811. pcb inside : 3560041139. Component D11 is broken, can you tell me the type please.
    • Atlas Copco - it is good commpressor
    • Atlas Copco - it is good commpressor
    • Rittenhouse - I have a Artolier Lighting & Sound Div - Emerson Electric Co / Rittenhouse Operations Honeoye Falls, NY 14473 Model C8577 - 1
    • Atlas Copco - Hello I have a ga compressor 75 of the 1990 serial number; ARP89293 1 I wanted the code to enter the menu to change the p
    • Hollymatic - need manuels for hollymatic 180 meat grinder mainly wiring schamatic
    • Larko Electronic - Hi. I purchased a home with a 1991 Larko MKI40 gate opener installed. It stopped opening today. Is there somewhere I can get
    • Rittenhouse - Hi, need repair to this unit, sound cuts in and out when volume control knob is turned/wiggled. Moving molex 5 pin connector
    • Atlas Copco - dear sir atlas copco ga 90 vsd give me information electrical manual thanks M.kamran
    • Agie - our keyboard fell apart when it was removed for servicing our Agie Sprint. Apparently the glue that was holding the membrane
    • Rittenhouse - hi I have a m7034 intercome system.The out door speak into box was flooded by our sandy storm.Needs to be replaced.The wiri
    • Rittenhouse - I have gone through the trouble shooting I have 16 volts to the main unit just nothing coming out of main unit. like its acti

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        A &    A & B    A & B Systems    A amp    A B C Scale    A B Elettronica    Abb Asea Brown Boveri abb Semiconductors    Abb Goettingen    Accu-Rite    Accu-Sort    Act-Kern    Adac toshiba    Advance farnel gould    Advance Industries    Advanced Energy    Advanced Energy Ind Inc    Advani Oerlikon Ltd semiconductors Ltd    Agie    Agilent    Akab    Aladin Enterprises Inc    All Coutant lambda nemic Units    Allen Bradley    Allmanna Svenska Elektriska aktiebolaget    Alpha Merics    Alpha Press Co.    Amce standard Power    Amcor    American Farmworks    Amersham Biosciences Ge Healthcare    Amf    Amf Paragon    Ampak    Ampex Corp computer Products Div    Ampro    Anilam    Ansaldo Spa div Electronica    Anschutz    Antreib W Reimers    Api Harowe Inc    Applied Epi optys    Applied Robotics    Aptek Technologies aptek Microsystems    Aquatrol    Arcron Zeit    ARIS Antriebe & Steuerungen    Armtec Industries    Asc Machine Tool Inc    Askjeselskapet Mikro Electronik    Astec    Astex gerling Labs    Astralux Dynamics    Astron    Astrosystems Inc    Atlas    Atlas Copco    Audiotronics    Automation Inc    Automotion Mi    Autonumerics Inc    Autonumerics Inc.    Aviteq Hattersheim    Avs Ing J C Römer    Aydin Controls    Aydin Corp aydin Vector Div    B & K    B B Thermo Technik    B K Precision    B S Kaelte    Babson Bros Co    Bachmann Electronic    Baldor lectron    Ball Electronic    Bansbach    Barber Colman eurotherm    Barco Graphics    Barco Sedo    Barksdale Controls imo In    Barnstead Thermolyne    Barudan    Battenfeld    Bauart    Baumuller    Baumuller weber    Bausch & Lomb    Bausch Lomb    Bautz    Bbc-Brown Boveri    Bbc-Metrawatt    Bbc-Veritron    Bdt    Bei Electronics Inc    Bei herrekor    Bell Inc    Bentron    Berger Lahr    Bieler Lang    Bielomatik    Blonder-Tongue    Bmb Elettronica    Bodine kb    Bodine renco    Bonas    Bowe Permac    Bowe Systec    Bowmar Instrument Corp white Technology    Bpr rico Mfg    Branscheid    Bregenhorn-Butow    Bristol Saybrook    Brown & Sharpe    Brucke    Bst    Buhler-Miag    Burgmaster    Burroughs    Busak Shamban    Bvr Electronic    Bystronic    C A Controls    C A E M Co    C B Ferrari    C c Husky    C c Mueller    C H Symington    C P Bourg    C-E Tyler    C.A. Controls    California Micro Devices semiconduct Div    Calterm Electronics    Canon    Capp usa    Carl E Holmes Co    Carlen Controls    Carlo Gavazzi    Carter-Day Company    Case anite cray c & W    Cds    Ceg Automation    Cegelec    Centronic Inc e O Div    Cerberus Pyrotronics    Chemap Ag    Cherokee lineage    Chloride Inc.    Chromalox    Chuo Electronics    Cicinnati Siemens    Cincinnati    Cincinnati Dynacomp    Cincinnati Milacron    Cirrus Logic Inc pixel Semiconductor    Clarke & Lewis    Clary Corporation    Clayton Mfg Co    Cognex    Coherent Comm Systems    Coleman    Collamat    Computer Products artesyn    Comsip Delphi    Comtec    Conax    Conrac    Contemp Control Systems    Continental Whitecap    Control Techniques    Controls Inc    Cozzoli    Cpl Electronics Inc    Cpu Inc    Creonics    Cryovac    Csr Industries Inc semiconductor Div    Cts Fabri Tek Inc systems Div    Custom Servo Motors Inc    Cutters Elec Int L    Cybelec    Cyberex    Cyberexact    Cybertech Inc    Cybex    D a Video System    D a Video Systems    D E Systems Ltd    D M Griffiths Scale    D.Gottlieb & Co.    Daewood    Daido    Damon iec    Datel Intersil    Davy Mckee    Daymarc    Dayton    Daytronic    Dc Elektronik    Dean Technology hv Components Associates    Dehn Soehne    Delem    Dell    Delta Elektronika    Delta Tau Data Systems Inc    Demag barrett    Densitron Of America information Device    Deutronic    Dewert Antriebs Und Systemtechnik    Dexter-Lawson    Dga dcn indret Delegation    Dietzgen    Digital Instruments    Dillon quantrol    Dinema    Displaytek    Dixson Inc    Dixson Inc.    Doepke    Doorking    Dr Johannes Heidenhain    Dressen-Barnes    Dresser-Rand    Drummer Kaiser    Duffers Scientific    Dulmison Tyco    Dunkermotoren    Dupont-Howson    Dve    Dyna Mechtronics    Dynamics Corp Of America reeves Hoffman    Dynamics Research Encoder    Dynamote    Dynapar    Dynapar encoder    Dynapath    Dynapro    Dynasonics Inc    E C Elettronica    E C H Will    E E    E Systems Inc hrb Systems    E V G Graz    E W Bliss    E.S.A.    E2 Technology Corp.    Eason Technology    Eesa S R O    Eilersen Electric A s    Ekstrom Carlson & C    El.Ge    Eldutronik    Elec Corp Of America    Elec Eltek    Electro-Matic    Electro-Nite    Electron-Machine    Electroscale    Electrostatics Inc    Elektro Mechanik Elektron Bremen    Elemac    Elind    Elm Systems    Elo Touchsystems Inc    Elo tyco    Elox Corporation    Elpac    Elremco    Elrest    Eltee Pulsitron    Eltex    Elvo    Emerson    Emerson magnetek    Emi    Engineering Meas Co    Entec    Environ Div Of Calco Mfg    Envirotech buell    Eph Elektronik    Erhardt & Leimer    Esa Gv    Esa/Gv    Eskofot    Esselte-Meto    Esterline Angus    Eurosicma    Excellon Automation    F U G Elektronik Gmbh    Fadal    Fadis    Fahr Bucher    Fales    Fanuc    Fecken-Kirfel    Federal Pioneer    Federal Signal    Fehrer    Felins    Feller Engineering    Fenner America industrial Controls Div    Ferrocontrol    Fieldpiece    Filter clone    Fincor    Firetrol    Flotronics    Force    Forma Scientific    Foxboro/Jordan    Frastan    Ftca    Furnas    Futaba    Garbe Lahmeyer & C    Garbe Lahmeyer & Co    Gebruder Loepfe    Gec-Alsthom    Gelma    General Electric    Gepruft    Gerber    GfA Elektromaten    Ghisalba    Gilco Engineering    Gkh    Glentek    Gme-System Ab    Goldstar Microtouch    Goring-Kerr    Gould-Brown Boveri    Gpe Controls    Granville-Phillips    Grapha Electronic    Graseby Controls    Graseby/Allen    Graseby/Goring-Kerr    Greenlee Tool    Gresham Lion Ltd.    Group Thermote & Vanhalst Group3 Technology    Guardaware    Gullco    Gulmay    H & L    H.G. Kalish    Hacoba    Hallicrafters    Halmar robicon    Halstrup-walcher GmbH    Hanna Instruments    Hansatech    Hantarex    Hardy Scales Co.    Harig    Harmer Simmons    Harmuth Elektronik    Hartmann & Braun    Hartmann & Lammle    Hass    Hbo Instruments    Hdw Elektronik    Heckert Heckler Koch    Heenan Drives Ltd.    Heidenhain    Heidolph    Heimann    Heldt & Rossi    Hema    Hergeth    Hertner    Hetronic    Hewlett Packard    Hill-Rom    Hipotronics    Hitachi    Hofa Engineering    Hofliger & Karg    Hollymatic    Holzma    Honeywell    Horyu Engineering    Hotpack Corporation    Hsc Controls Inc    Huntron    Hurco    Hurletron    Hydrocraft    Hydromatic Pump    Hyster    I.A.G. Elettronica    I.P.E.-Cheston    I/O Controls Corp.    Ice-O-Matic    Icg Machine    Ics    Idc    Idea    Idec Izumi Corp.    Ideki-Yama    Imaje    Inag Electronic    Inductotherm    Industrial Devices    Industrial Electronics Repair    Inertia Dynamics    Infra Pak    Infrapak    Institut Dr. Forster    Intel    International    Inventron    Inverpower Controls    Ird Mechanalysis    Itautec Componentes Sa itaucom    Itt Industries intermetall Halbleiterwer    Itt Semiconductors intermetall    Itt-Barton    Itt-Grinnell    J B Electronica    J B Elektronik    J B Webb Co    J F White    J M Clarke    J R Merritt    J Schmalz    J Schneider Elek Gmbh    Jac De Vries    Jac. De Vries    James Electronics Inc    Jardis Industries    Jay Electronique    Jelrus    Jenco Instruments, Inc    Jensen    Jgb Co    John E. Mitchell Co.    Juki    K.E.W.    Kalish    Kannegiesser    Kds Systems    Kearfott singer    Kearney & Trecker    KEB Antriebstechnik GmbH    Keba    Keithley    Kensol    Kenwood    Keyence    Kikusui    Kitake    Kitamura    Kk K schiele Compressors    Klaasing Electronics    Klaus Rothenburg    Klocker    Klockner-Bartelt    Klockner-Ferromatik    Kml Elektronik    Kollmorgen    Komatsu-Dresser    Komax    Kouwa    Krauss-Maffei    Krautkramer    Ktk Ltd.    Kw Battery Company    L B    L Bernard    L C Automation    L-Tec    Lab-Line Instruments    Labeljet    Labod Electronic    Laetus Am Sandberg    Larko Electronic    Ldj Electronics    Lectric Lites    Leece Neville Leecraft Leecraft    Leland Faraday    Lepel    Leroi Dresser    Lester Electrical    Leybold-Heraeus    Linotype-Paul    Lodge & Shipley    Logetronics    Lohja Corporation    Lorentzen & Wettre    Lotseite    Louis Allis    Lucas Deeco    Lucas Ledex    Lucius & Baer    Ludl Electronic    Lumonics    M-Tek    MachineMate    Macome Corp    Macro Electronics    Macroamp    Magna-Lock    Magnavox    Manifold Industries    Marconi    Marel    Markem    Martin-Decker    Martonair    Matsushita    Mcmartin    Mcquay    Megger Instruments    Mekontrol    Melco    Metcal, Inc.    Metramatic    Metronix    MGE Ups Systems    Micafil    Micro-Aide    Micromint    Middex Electronic    Miller    Minimotor Sa    Mipro    Mirtone    Mitsubishi    Modex Automation    Monsun-Tison    Motion Science    Movomatic    Muller Martini    Munot Engineering Ag    Mutoh    NC-TEK CNC SENTROL    Ndc Systems    NEE Controls Ltd    Neotech    Netstal    Network Supply    Neurodyne-Dempsey    Nikki Denso    Norand Corporation    Norblo    Novotechnik    Nsk    Nuarc    Num    Nuova Fima    Oce    Oki    Okuma & Howa    Omnibyte    Omron    Ondyne Inc.    Opacmare    Optimised Control    Orbotech    Organpak    Orgapack    Osai    Otc Daihen, Inc    P.P.S. Manufacturing    Pacific Scientific    Paktronics    Panadac    Panalarm    Panametrics    Paragon Electric    Parvex    Pavid    Peaktronics    Peavey    Pelco    Penny & Giles    Per Hornsved    Peritek    Perkin-Elmer    Perma-Drive    Pertron    Phastron    PIV Drives    Pixelink    Plasticolor    Plockmatic    Pneumercator Co.    Polar    Polar-Mohr    Polatech    Poletti & Osta    Polyscience    Polysonics    Portland Iron    Positron    Powcon    Power Supply Repair    Power Ten Inc.    Power-One    Powerlab    Prescolite Controls    Presonus Audio Electronics    Printronix    Procond Elettronica    Protech    Proteck    Queen Light    Quick Rotan    Quindar Electronics    Quinton Crane    Randtronics    Rapid Electric    Ratelco    Rauland-Borg    Relcon    Reo Elektronik    Reseco Elettronica    Reta Electronic    Reutlinger    Rittenhouse    Robinair    Robopac    Robotool    Rondo Electronics    Rotaprint    Roundo    Rowan Elettronica    Rte Power/Mate    Ruhrgetriebe    Rustronic    Rvsi    Rytec    S.B.C. Motovariatori    S.C.E. Elettronica    Sam Dick Industries    Sangiacomo    Sanyo    Sanyo Denki    Sarasota Engineering    Satake    Sauer-Sundstrand    Savio-Matec    Scandialogic    Scanray    Sceptre    Schleicher    Schlumberger    Schumag Schumatronik    Scofima    Seekirk    Seiberco Inc.    Seidel    Selema    Selti    Semifusion Corp.    Sensor    Servomac    Setra    Sge Lovato    Sharnoa Electronics    Sherman Treaters    Shima Seiki    Shin Nippon Koki Co.    Shinano Kenshi    Shinko    Sieb & Meyer    Siemens    Sierra Power Systems    Silicon Graphics    Sinano    Sitra Automazione    Skakotrol    Smith Geosource    Smith Meter Inc.    Socapel    Sola Electric    Soprel    Soren T. Lyngso    Sortex    Sortex-Scancore    Sparton    Spectra-Physics    Sperry    Staefa Control Sys.    Staubli    Sterl-Tronic    Steuerungen Computer    Strapack    Strapex    Streeteramet    Stromrichter    Sumitomo    Sunds Defibrator    Sybron/Taylor    SymNet - Symetrix    Systron-Donner    Tajima    Takagi    Takamine    Takuma Seiko    Tasc Drives    Taylor    Taylor Electronics    TC Electronic    Tde Macno    Tdk    Teca    Tecaprint    Techmalux    Technifor    Technotrans    Teijin Seiki    Teknor Microsystems    Teledyne Gurley    Teledyne Pines    Telemecanique    Telind    Tempsonics    Tenma    Texas Instruments    Therm-L-Tech    Thermal Dynamics    Tokuden    Tokyo Seimitsu    Tokyo Shindenki    Tokyo-Rikosha    Tomra    Toshiba    Toyo    Toyo Denki    Toyo Machinery    Toyoda    Tracor Westronics    Transformator-Teknik    Transrex    Tristem Electronics    Trumeter    Trumpf    Trutzschler    Tsudakoma    Tunturi    Uniloy    Unimac    Uniop    Unknown    Unosource Controls    Valcom    Van Dorn Demag    Vansco    Vector    Velconic    Vellinge Electronics    Velonex Inc    Vernitech    Versapply    Versatyme Controls    Vexta    Victor Data Systems    Visi-Trak    Voac Hydraulics    Vonweise    Vultron    Vutek    W.E. Anderson - Dwyer Instrume    Waco Giken Co.,Ltd.    Wallace & Tiernan    Wayne Kerr Electronics    Weathertronics - All Weather,    Webomatic    Weko - Weitmann & Konr    Weko - Weitmann & Konrad G    Weko - Weitmann & Konrad GmbH    Weldtronics    Weltronic    Wertec - Brushless DC Drives -    Westamp    Westamp - UltraDrive    Western Graphtec    Westronics    Wgbm Associates    White-Sundstrand Rigidmils Omn    Willett printers - Videojet    Wintriss Engineering    Woha    Wohlenberg    Wohlenberg Guillotines-Binders    Woodway Engineering    Xertex Corp    XiTRON Technologies    Xycom Automation    Yamabishi    Yamabishi Electric Co LTD    Yamaha    Yamatake-Honeywell    YCI Supermax    Yokogawa    Zander Aachen    ZAPI Inc    Zeck    Zellweger Uster Technologies    Zema Elettronica    Zetron    Zetron Inc    Zimmer Electronic Systems ZES    Zurn Industries    

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

    You can contact us at 1-(336)-969-0110
    Industrial Electronics Repair
    145 Rockwell Place Ct,
    Tobaccoville, NC 27050
    Recent Questions
    • Powcon - Looking for a powcon 200 sm manual please! Thank you, Dan
    • Hofa Engineering - We have instaled some driver in ours machines and need tecnical support.
    • Perma-Drive - Hello ples info : PMD 230-BL04/4Q/2 and Perma-drive interbus-s
    • Scandialogic - please the manual for the scandialogic sl 750-1
    • Scandialogic - Hello please send me wiring diagram for Stephan SCAND-AC VPM SL750-1 SL7501
    • Hofa Engineering - can you supply a manual for hofa engineering 26-2005.
    • A & B Systems - shinko ac servo drive type 5000 manual and VELCONIC TOEI Driver Series rad300 manual required
    • Robotool - Looking looking for someone that can troubleshoot the control box for the Roto tool we can send PCBoards to them to do bug i
    • American Farmworks - Do you all still carry this board (American Farmworks 01479-92)? I would like one. Thanks, Mark
    • Atlas Copco - Hello Dear Sir / Madam; I have an atlas copco compressor and I dont have manuel so that I want to send ýt to me. Its label
    • Teijin Seiki - Hello, we are having an issue with our vigo servo. We are getting an E101 alarm. We have found out that this alarm means a I
    • Rytec - Model DG1200 Rytec Do you work on these? Can you estimate cost and turn around time? Thanks. You worked on an Atlas
    • Hantarex - have a polo game machine that had pop spilled on circuit board.cleaned and replaced a few capacitors and pix has a real
    • Firetrol - Dear sir , This is Elaine . I send the RFQ for FIRETROL LL-1580 2pcs. I really need it . please give the qu
    • Rittenhouse - Did you locate the 3 coils you were looking for ? I also need one
    • Schumag Schumatronik - We have a 2B shumag machine that is running on the old shumatronik system. We are looking at upgrading to a more modern sy
    • Procond Elettronica - I have a faulty board for the aeg 64811. pcb inside : 3560041139. Component D11 is broken, can you tell me the type please.
    • Atlas Copco - it is good commpressor
    • Atlas Copco - it is good commpressor
    • Rittenhouse - I have a Artolier Lighting & Sound Div - Emerson Electric Co / Rittenhouse Operations Honeoye Falls, NY 14473 Model C8577 - 1
    • Atlas Copco - Hello I have a ga compressor 75 of the 1990 serial number; ARP89293 1 I wanted the code to enter the menu to change the p
    • Hollymatic - need manuels for hollymatic 180 meat grinder mainly wiring schamatic
    • Larko Electronic - Hi. I purchased a home with a 1991 Larko MKI40 gate opener installed. It stopped opening today. Is there somewhere I can get
    • Rittenhouse - Hi, need repair to this unit, sound cuts in and out when volume control knob is turned/wiggled. Moving molex 5 pin connector
    • Atlas Copco - dear sir atlas copco ga 90 vsd give me information electrical manual thanks M.kamran
    • Agie - our keyboard fell apart when it was removed for servicing our Agie Sprint. Apparently the glue that was holding the membrane
    • Rittenhouse - hi I have a m7034 intercome system.The out door speak into box was flooded by our sandy storm.Needs to be replaced.The wiri
    • Rittenhouse - I have gone through the trouble shooting I have 16 volts to the main unit just nothing coming out of main unit. like its acti
    More Repair Questions.....

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