Repair Services for Industrial and Commercial Customers
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You can contact us at 1-(336)-969-0110 Shipping/Receiving
Industrial Electronics Repair
931-E S. Main St #204,
Kernersville, NC 27284
Recent Questions
Esa Gv - Hi
We are in the Flat glass industry and have a cnc cutting table with a Tria 4000 controller which the static RAM is corru
- Where can I find the owners, service and parts pdf manuals for this unit?
Thank you,
Scandialogic - Please send me pdf manual of inverter SCANDIALOGIC Slm 750 - 1
Industrial Electronics Repair - I have 2 Goring-Kerr (Thermo Fischer Scientific) DSP2 metal detectors that show the following faults in the status page: Faul
Dynamote - Trying to wire the remote switch inverters not working without it
- The machine is in beautiful condition, but due to not staying plugged in, the parameters have leaked off. Do you have a fix?
American Farmworks - do you sell American Farmworks 01479-92 board or the transformer on it?
Please let me know cost and availability
Kouwa - I need an English manual for model KMV-150-M15-H serial 1906- M2328. I also need some sort of guidance with dip switch settin
Alpha Press Co. - do you offer repair for older alpha press machines? We are in need of someone who can fix the presses when they go down.
- Good morning, is it possible to repair polatech typ 92 EMC / 022 483 and ENCODER 022 257
. Thank you
Socapel - Dear Concern,
Please see under below detail then quote rate and also share performa invoice now on first p
Leland Faraday - I have a Leland Faraday 3 hp 230 volt single phase motor. It has 6 wires coming out of the motor, Black, Blue, Red, Green, Wh
Amf Paragon - do you have on/off timer pins for model MC 404-00. White for on and Black for off.
Velconic - My VELCONIC VLNBE-050P-XP servo drive have error code 05.
What is this error 05 means ??
Tqvm !
- atlas copco system failure 7001
Rittenhouse - Hello, I purchased my 4 note-8 note melody door chime in 1995. It has been set up on a battery operation operation